Virtual IOP for Young Adults

Holistic online mental health treatment program for young adults dealing with mental health disorders

Virtual IOP for Young Adults

At Cornerstone Healing Center – we understand that as a young adult, you’re probably facing some tough mental health challenges that are unique to your age and stage of life. We want you to know that you are not alone, and there is a place specifically designed to support you – here with us. Our Virtual Intensive Outpatient Program is tailored for young adults like you, no matter where you are in Arizona. Our compassionate team of Master-Level Clinicians will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals.

We understand that true mental health recovery is about so much more than just treating symptoms. It’s about empowering you to tap into your inner strength and transform your life from the inside out. The best part is that you can do it all from the comfort of your own home through interactive sessions that provide structure and routine while encouraging genuine self-reflection. Our program isn’t just about mental health care – it’s about creating a supportive community that’s with you every step of the way on your journey to lasting wellness. You deserve to feel supported, seen and heard, and we are here to provide that.

VIOP for young adults

How We Treat Mental Health Symptoms & Disorders For Young Adults

Cornerstone’s online mental health program is designed specifically for young adults across Arizona. Over 8 weeks, you’ll have 9 hours of group therapy and weekly one-on-one sessions with a Master’s Level Clinician, all from the comfort of your home.

We use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to change negative thought patterns and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to improve emotional regulation and coping skills. This personalized approach ensures you receive specialized care tailored to your unique needs.

Our program is dedicated to providing young adults with the support they need to achieve long-lasting healing and mental well-being, no matter where they are.

About Our Online Mental Health Program For Young Adults

Immediate Support & Connection

Begin our online program for young adults within 24 hours and get matched with a dedicated wellness coach.


Our support goes beyond mental health, we provide wellness coaching, medical treatment, and aftercare.


Our clients experience twice as much positive change from admission to discharge, compared to other programs.


Our coaches work closely with you during and after treatment to provide you with life skills, and personalized support.

The core Mental Health conditions we treat

online virtual program for anxiety disorders

In our virtual program for anxiety disorders, we use a comprehensive and evidence-based approach that focuses on our clients as individuals. We understand that every person’s experience with anxiety is different. We combine mindfulness practices and psychoeducation to help clients understand and manage their anxiety symptoms. Through regular virtual group and individual therapy sessions, clients develop new ways of coping, improve their emotional regulation, and build resilience in a supportive and interactive online environment. Additionally, our program includes access to a range of digital resources, continual support, and a dedicated wellness coach who works one-on-one to meet not only mental health needs but to coordinate medical, life skills, and needs for other resources.

Learn About Our Virtual Intensive Outpatient Program

Our VIOP offers the same high-quality care as our in-person programs but with the added convenience of attending sessions from your home. This makes it easier to fit treatment into your busy life while still receiving comprehensive support for anxiety and other mental health issues.

Services We Provide

  • Individual Video Therapy
  • Group Video Therapy
  • Family Video Therapy
  • Life Skills Groups
  • Dedicated Wellness Coach
  • Masters-Level Clinicians
  • Optional In-Person Meetings
  • Crisis Intervention Available
  • Psycho-Education Curriculum
  • 12-Step Integration
  • Treatment for Anxiety Disorders

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Medication Management
  • Holistic Therapies
  • Reach out

    We are one call, form fill, or chat away. Our team will be here for you to provide you with a free and confidential consultation.

    Get assessed

    We'll start by getting to know you and your mental health goals. From there, we'll craft a personalized virtual treatment plan that fits your schedule and meets your needs.

    Start thriving

    You will get access to your schedule which will include groups, individual therapy, and matched with a dedicated wellness coach.

    Our Simple Process to Get Started

    Arizona's Premier Virtual IOP for Mental Health

    Stop Trying to Do It Alone – We’ve Got Your Back

    We accept most insurances

    Real-Life Experiences of Healing and Transformation

    “I'm eternally grateful for every experience"


    Cornerstone Alumni

    My experience here once I kept an open mind/ open heart, was as honest as possible& willing to do whatever I’m asked of/ can do for others.. I was exactly where I was meant to be. I’m eternally grateful for every experience I’ve had at cornerstone.

    “I want to express my heartfelt gratitude”


    Cornerstone Family

    I’m posting this review as a colleague of CHC and as a grateful parent. I’ve always had the utmost respect, not only for the work that CHC has done, but also the culture amongst the organization. Without going into great detail, I just want express my heartfelt gratitude to Estil, Sead and Marcus for going above and beyond with saving the life of a loved one. Your compassion and kindness was the Cornerstone of the foundation in the healing process.

    “This place saved my life”


    Cornerstone Alumni

    This place saved my life, the staff are some of the kindest most caring people I have ever met. I definitely struggled at first but once I gave the program my best effort some of the promises are already starting to happen. I am truly grateful for cornerstone healing center I still have a lot of work to do but I definitely learned how to forgive myself and how to love myself and how to be grateful in hard circumstances.

    young adults mental health disorders

    What Mental Health Disorders Effect Young Adults?

    Young adults commonly struggle with mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and PTSD. These conditions can significantly impact their daily lives, affecting their academic performance, relationships, and overall well-being.

    Our Virtual IOP is designed to address these issues effectively, offering evidence-based therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to help young adults build resilience and improve interpersonal relationships.

    Meet your dedicated Wellness coaches

    Medical Advisor

    Rachel Green

    We are a rehab assistance company here for you and helping you find the help you need. A better way for help is here, we’ll help you find a location suited for you that accommodates you appropriately. Give us a call and receive a free consolation with a professional.

    Learn more about Rachel

    Medical Advisor

    David Beckham

    We are a rehab assistance company here for you and helping you find the help you need. A better way for help is here, we’ll help you find a location suited for you that accommodates you appropriately. Give us a call and receive a free consolation with a professional.

    Learn more about David

    Medical Advisor

    John Steward

    We are a rehab assistance company here for you and helping you find the help you need. A better way for help is here, we’ll help you find a location suited for you that accommodates you appropriately. Give us a call and receive a free consolation with a professional.

    Learn more about John

    What Are The Most Common Types Of Mental Health Disorders in Young Adults?

    The most common types of mental health disorders in young adults include anxiety disorders, depression, and bipolar disorder. Anxiety disorders can cause excessive worry and fear, impacting daily activities. Depression is characterized by persistent sadness and a lack of interest in previously enjoyed activities. Bipolar disorder involves extreme mood swings, ranging from manic highs to depressive lows. Additionally, young adults may also struggle with eating disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), each requiring specialized care and attention.

    Mental health disorders in young adults can be caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Genetics can play a significant role, making some individuals more susceptible to these conditions. Environmental factors such as trauma, stress, and significant life changes can trigger or exacerbate mental health issues. Additionally, psychological factors, including coping skills and resilience, influence how young adults handle stress and adversity. Social pressures and the transition to adulthood also contribute to the development of mental health disorders during this critical period.

    Treatment options for mental health disorders in young adults include a combination of therapies and support systems tailored to individual needs. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) are effective for addressing negative thought patterns and improving emotional regulation. Medication may also be prescribed to help manage symptoms and stabilize mood. Support groups and peer counseling provide a sense of community and shared experiences. Additionally, lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, and sufficient sleep can play a crucial role in overall mental well-being.

    Therapy is highly effective in treating mental health disorders in young adults. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps in changing negative thought patterns and behaviors, while Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) focuses on emotional regulation and interpersonal skills. These therapies equip young adults with practical tools to manage stress, anxiety, and depression. Therapy also provides a safe space for young adults to explore their feelings and experiences, fostering personal growth and resilience. When combined with other treatments like medication and support groups, therapy significantly enhances the chances of long-term recovery and improved mental health.

    The Virtual Intensive Outpatient Program (VIOP) for mental health treatment offers numerous benefits. It provides flexibility and accessibility, allowing young adults to receive intensive therapy from the comfort of their homes. The program includes a mix of individual, group, and family therapy sessions, ensuring comprehensive support. Evidence-based therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) help participants develop effective coping strategies and emotional regulation skills. The virtual format also fosters a sense of community and connection among participants. Overall, VIOP offers a convenient, effective, and supportive environment for achieving lasting mental health recovery.

    Yes, transitioning from the VIOP to in-person therapy sessions is definitely possible. We understand that your needs may evolve, and we’re committed to providing continuous care. If you feel that in-person sessions would be more beneficial at any point, we’ll work with you to ensure a smooth transition. Our goal is to provide the care that best fits your needs and preferences, whether through VIOP, in-person sessions, or a combination of both.

    Together Towards a Healthier Future

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Mental Health Knowledge Base

    Mental Health

    Virtual IOP for Bipolar Disorder: A Comprehensive Guide

    Mental Health

    The Benefits of Online Mental Health Treatment: A Compassionate Guide

    Mental Health

    Depression and Anxiety Medications: Navigating Your Options

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    Understanding Bipolar Disorder: Definitions and Meanings