Virtual IOP for Eating Disorders

Holistic online mental health treatment program for adults and young adults in Arizona dealing with an eating disorder

virtual iop online therapy for eating disorders
virtual iop online therapy for eating disorders

About Our Online Program for Eating Disorders

At Cornerstone Healing Center, we understand the struggle of eating disorders and are here to help. Our Virtual Intensive Outpatient Program offers specialized treatment for eating disorders, providing you with flexible care from the comfort of your home. We create a safe, non-judgmental space where you can focus on your recovery, engaging in evidence-based therapeutic interventions designed to help you heal your relationship with food, your body, and yourself.

We support you as you explore the underlying issues contributing to your eating disorder. Our online mental health program includes virtual group therapy sessions, individual counseling, and workshops. We work with you to develop personalized strategies for coping with triggers, building self-esteem, and cultivating a more positive body image. Our team will provide you with guidance and support as you embark on your journey to lasting recovery.

virtual iop for eating disorders

How We Treat Eating Disorders & Symptoms

Our online treatment program offers a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to managing and overcoming the complexities of eating disorders. We recognize the multifaceted nature of these conditions and tailor our treatment plans to include both Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) techniques.

Through virtual group therapy sessions, individual counseling, and workshops, we help you identify and challenge negative thought patterns while developing effective stress management skills. Our personalized guidance supports you throughout your journey, helping you achieve improved eating habits, enhanced self-awareness, and overall well-being.

About Our Online Program for Eating Disorders

Immediate Support & Connection

Begin our online program for an eating disorder within 24 hours and get matched with a dedicated wellness coach.


Our support goes beyond mental health, we provide wellness coaching, medical treatment, and aftercare.


Our clients experience twice as much positive change from admission to discharge, compared to other programs.


Our coaches work closely with you during and after treatment to provide you with life skills, and personalized support.

The core Mental Health conditions we treat

online virtual program for anxiety disorders

In our virtual program for anxiety disorders, we use a comprehensive and evidence-based approach that focuses on our clients as individuals. We understand that every person’s experience with anxiety is different. We combine mindfulness practices and psychoeducation to help clients understand and manage their anxiety symptoms. Through regular virtual group and individual therapy sessions, clients develop new ways of coping, improve their emotional regulation, and build resilience in a supportive and interactive online environment. Additionally, our program includes access to a range of digital resources, continual support, and a dedicated wellness coach who works one-on-one to meet not only mental health needs but to coordinate medical, life skills, and needs for other resources.

Reach out

Reach out to us and start first step to your wellness journey.

Get a consultation

We'll take the time to understand your unique experiences and goals, then create a tailored virtual treatment plan.

Start thriving

Get started on your journey to a healthy relationship with food, improved body image, and enhanced well-being.

Reach out

Reach out to us and start first step to start your journey.

Get a consultation

We'll take the time to understand your unique experiences and goals, then create a tailored virtual treatment plan.

Start thriving

Get started on your journey to a healthy relationship with food, improved body image, and enhanced well-being.

Our Simple Process to Get Started

Arizona's Premier Virtual IOP for Mental Health

Stop Trying to Do It Alone – We’ve Got Your Back

We accept most insurances

Real-Life Experiences of Healing and Transformation

“I'm eternally grateful for every experience"


Cornerstone Alumni

My experience here once I kept an open mind/ open heart, was as honest as possible& willing to do whatever I’m asked of/ can do for others.. I was exactly where I was meant to be. I’m eternally grateful for every experience I’ve had at cornerstone.

“I want to express my heartfelt gratitude”


Cornerstone Family

I’m posting this review as a colleague of CHC and as a grateful parent. I’ve always had the utmost respect, not only for the work that CHC has done, but also the culture amongst the organization. Without going into great detail, I just want express my heartfelt gratitude to Estil, Sead and Marcus for going above and beyond with saving the life of a loved one. Your compassion and kindness was the Cornerstone of the foundation in the healing process.

“This place saved my life”


Cornerstone Alumni

This place saved my life, the staff are some of the kindest most caring people I have ever met. I definitely struggled at first but once I gave the program my best effort some of the promises are already starting to happen. I am truly grateful for cornerstone healing center I still have a lot of work to do but I definitely learned how to forgive myself and how to love myself and how to be grateful in hard circumstances.

online treatment for eating disorder

How are Eating Disorders Diagnosed?

Diagnosing your eating disorder involves a thorough assessment including a review of your medical history, discussing your symptoms, and understanding how these symptoms affect your daily life. Using standardized diagnostic tools and clinical interviews to provide an accurate diagnosis.

Our team is committed to understanding your unique experience with an eating disorder, addressing your questions, and explaining the diagnosis process and treatment options available.

Meet your dedicated Wellness coaches

Medical Advisor

Rachel Green

We are a rehab assistance company here for you and helping you find the help you need. A better way for help is here, we’ll help you find a location suited for you that accommodates you appropriately. Give us a call and receive a free consolation with a professional.

Learn more about Rachel

Medical Advisor

David Beckham

We are a rehab assistance company here for you and helping you find the help you need. A better way for help is here, we’ll help you find a location suited for you that accommodates you appropriately. Give us a call and receive a free consolation with a professional.

Learn more about David

Medical Advisor

John Steward

We are a rehab assistance company here for you and helping you find the help you need. A better way for help is here, we’ll help you find a location suited for you that accommodates you appropriately. Give us a call and receive a free consolation with a professional.

Learn more about John

What Are Common Types Of Eating Disorders?

The most common types of eating disorders include Anorexia Nervosa, characterized by restrictive eating and an intense fear of gaining weight; Bulimia Nervosa, involving episodes of binge eating followed by purging; and Binge-Eating Disorder, marked by recurrent episodes of eating large quantities of food without subsequent purging behaviors. Each disorder has distinct symptoms and health implications, requiring specific treatment approaches tailored to your needs.

Eating disorders are caused by a complex interplay of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. These can include societal pressure to conform to certain body standards, traumatic experiences, family dynamics, and underlying mental health conditions like anxiety or depression. Your genetic makeup and brain chemistry also play a significant role in the development of these disorders.

Treatment options for your eating disorder may include psychotherapy, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Family-Based Therapy (FBT), nutritional counseling, and medical monitoring. Medications may be prescribed to treat co-occurring mental health conditions. A multidisciplinary approach involving therapists, nutritionists, and medical professionals is often most effective in addressing your complex needs and helping you recover from an eating disorder.
Therapy is highly effective in treating eating disorders, particularly CBT and FBT. These therapies can help you understand and change unhealthy behaviors and thought patterns related to food and body image. Therapy can also provide you with coping strategies and support for underlying mental health issues, leading to significant improvements in your physical and emotional health.
The VIOP offers you flexibility and accessibility, allowing you to receive treatment from the comfort of your home. The program includes virtual group therapy, individual counseling, and educational workshops, providing you with comprehensive care and a supportive community. The VIOP structure supports your regular engagement with treatment, fostering a consistent and effective therapeutic process.
Yes, transitioning from the VIOP to in-person therapy sessions is possible if you need it. This flexibility ensures that you can continue receiving care that best suits your changing needs. The transition process is designed to be seamless, maintaining continuity of care and support as you move from virtual to in-person sessions, ensuring that your treatment remains effective and tailored to your requirements.

Together Towards a Healthier Future

Frequently Asked Questions

Mental Health Knowledge Base

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