
Arizona Substance Abuse Treatment

Cornerstone Healing Center is a highly-rated Arizona drug rehab offering Residential, Outpatient, and Virtual substance abuse treatments. We Accept Most Insurances!


Drug Rehabilitation in Arizona

Cornerstone Healing Center is committed to helping men and women in overcoming addiction and reclaiming their lives.

At our multiple Arizona facilities, we offer a range of addiction treatment options, including residential treatment, outpatient services, intensive outpatient programs, and virtual outpatient options. We also provide supportive housing to ensure complete support throughout the recovery process.

At Cornerstone, we use evidence-based therapies and develop personalized treatment plans tailored to each client’s needs. We provide environments that promote healing and personal growth. Our Arizona drug rehab is a trusted and dependable choice for those striving to overcome addiction!

we accept most health insurances- substance abuse treatment

Now Accepting AHCCCS, TriCare, and Triwest Insurances

Addictions we treat at Cornerstone

An Overview of Our Arizona Drug Treatment Programs

Heal from addiction and begin the path to rebuilding your life at Cornerstone’s Arizona treatment centers

The beautiful view of the outdoor area of one of our
Scottsdale residential facility. Including a large pool, several
patio areas with comfortable seating, and a colorful desert view. 

Enjoy the outdoor area of our Arizona residential facility, featuring a pool, patio seating, and stunning desert views.

Drug and alcohol rehab programs in Arizona

At Cornerstone Healing Center, each client gets access to the support they need to recover from addiction. We acknowledge each client’s unique condition and conduct a comprehensive assessment to determine what type of rehab program will best address their needs. Cornerstone has the tools and capacity to provide just what you need to recover from substance abuse. Our professionals collaborate with clients to formulate an individualized treatment program that concurrently fulfills all their psychological and physiological needs. 

Approximately 14 - 30 days

Residential Treatment Program

Approximately 45 - 90 days

Partial Hospitalization Program

Approximately 4 - 8 weeks

Instensive Outpatient Programs

About Our Treatment Approach

aetna intensive outpatient and outpatient drug treatment programs

Our evidence-based approach to addiction and mental health treatment begins with a comprehensive assessment to tailor personalized rehab plans. This helps us create customized rehab plans that address co-occurring dual diagnosis issues. Our therapies include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Trauma-Informed Care. We also use Holistic methods such as Yoga, Meditation, Art Therapy, and Music Therapy to promote overall health and wellness. Our goal is to help our clients achieve effective and lasting recovery.

family therapy in substance abuse treatment

At Cornerstone, we recognize that addiction affects not only the individual struggling with it but also their loved ones. That’s why we place great importance on involving family members in recovery through programs such as Common Ground and Family Therapy sessions. By including family members in the recovery journey, we aim to build a strong support network and increase the likelihood of achieving long-term sobriety. Our inclusive approach is designed to heal relationships and empower families to overcome obstacles as they navigate recovery challenges.

rehab group therapy support

Our primary objective is to equip our clients with the tools and support for long-term recovery. To ensure a successful rehabilitation journey, we offer aftercare planning, which involves using relapse prevention techniques and continuous recovery coaching for all our alumni. The sobriety process doesn’t end after treatment; therefore, we remain committed to supporting our clients every step of the way. By creating a community of ongoing support, we aim to increase resilience and provide each individual with the necessary resources for lasting success.

Arizona's Rise in Substance Abuse

In 2023, Arizona’s opioid crisis resulted in 1,525 deaths, with a staggering 949 fatalities in Maricopa County alone. Apache County’s rate stood at a distressing 37.4 deaths per 100,000 population. The impact across age groups is as follows:

  • Ages 35-44: 27.1% of total opioid deaths
  • Ages 45-54: 26.6% of total opioid deaths
  • Ages 18-24: 6.5% of total opioid deaths
  • Ages 55-64: 17.0% of total opioid deaths

These statistics highlight the urgent necessity for targeted substance abuse treatment and prevention across diverse age groups in Arizona.1

View Our
Treatment Facilities

Cornerstone Healing Center provides many care levels, including residential, outpatient, and partial hospitalization programs. All of our Arizona facilities focus on comfortability and safety and offer a variety of amenities. We aim to create an optimal rehabilitation and personal growth environment where clients can focus on their recovery journey in a safe and supportive setting. We have several facilities across Arizona where we offer supportive housing, including Phoenix and Scottsdale. With a team of experienced professionals and a commitment to individualized care, we provide a solid foundation for those seeking lasting recovery.

Finding the Right Help In Arizona

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has registered nearly 400 drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers in the state of Arizona. 

This diverse network of facilities provides essential support to individuals struggling with addiction, offering a lifeline toward recovery and healthier living. 

Access to these vital resources is crucial, as it enables people to receive evidence-based treatments, therapy, and counseling services designed to address their specific needs.

Furthermore, the availability of such comprehensive care contributes to the overall well-being of communities and helps reduce the societal impact of substance abuse. By offering timely intervention and professional support, these rehab centers are pivotal in helping people reclaim control over their lives and build a foundation for lasting recovery.

Meet Our Arizona
Clinical Team

Clinical Director of Scottsdale Program

Lionel is a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor (LISAC) with over 4 years at Cornerstone. Passionate about helping those with addiction and mental health struggles, and he has trained as an EMDR therapist, adopting a trauma-informed approach to find and treat underlying root causes with empathy. 

Clinical Director of Phoenix Program

Nate began his recovery journey in 2010 and earned a Master’s in Social Work from ASU. He’s been in the Behavioral Health field since 2013. Specializing in CBT, DBT, and grief, Nate is now the Clinical Director of our Phoenix program, underlined by his passion for helping others who struggled with substance abuse issues as he did. 

Still have questions about treatment?

Our admissions specialists are here to explain the process, answer any questions you may have, and ensure you’re getting the help you need to live a healthy life free from addiction.


What ARIZONA clients and treatment professionals say about Cornerstone

This facility is different from any other rehab that I have been to. I have had many failed attempts at getting and staying sober since I was 16. Mostly due to a majority of the treatment centers that I had...

This facility is different from any other rehab that I have been to. I have had many failed attempts at getting and staying sober since I was 16. Mostly due to a majority of the treatment centers that I had went to not having much help with aftercare. They would get you clean for however long the stay was and then release you with no tools or foundation to build on. Cornerstone immersed me in the 12 step recovery program. The PHP groups were extremely therapeutic for me. They took me to Recovery meetings every day of the week. They have extremely nice houses to go back to while you’re not at the clinic. Most importantly, they set me up with an aftercare plan that put me on a path to success. Before I left they made sure that I was set up with a sober living, a job, and also made sure that I had made good progress in my 12 steps. After I got out I was sent to IOP, and every week they have a navigator who makes sure that you are doing well and helps you with any obstacles you may be facing. All of the staff truly cares about every individual who comes through this place. Unlike a lot of treatment centers, cornerstone is not in it for the money. Thanks to them I have been able to maintain long term sobriety. I am the happiest I have been in my entire life. I will forever have gratitude for cornerstone and to all of the staff that helped me, and continues to help on my recovery journey.


Cornerstone Alumni

I watched my loved one struggle with an addiction to alcohol for over fifteen years. In 2022 he was at the worse I had ever seen. I suggested a multitude of things to quit, however, I knew that he needed...

I watched my loved one struggle with an addiction to alcohol for over fifteen years. In 2022 he was at the worse I had ever seen. I suggested a multitude of things to quit, however, I knew that he needed help and was convinced that this was not going to end well. I had seen the program of recovery outlined at Cornerstone and convinced my loved one to make the 1,800-mile drive across the country. It saved his life. I hardly recognize this man today. From hustling me to pay for "just one more night" at a hotel, to having his own apartment in a year is a miracle. Cornerstone provided him a safe place and provided every tool possible including inpatient treatment, A.A., therapy and counseling, IOP and helped with his transition into the mainstream of life. I’ll be forever grateful.


Alumni Family

this place saved my life 100%. the whole staff genuinely cared about me and were only trying to help me grow. i have confidence again and goals to achieve. coming from someone who was very suicidal and a bad alcoholic...

this place saved my life 100%. the whole staff genuinely cared about me and were only trying to help me grow. i have confidence again and goals to achieve. coming from someone who was very suicidal and a bad alcoholic before treatment, i’ve completely done a 180°. i loved my house managers lacey and jazz who were both extremely important to my recovery. my primary therapist Lori was such a sweetheart and i could tell she genuinely cared about my life and wanted to help in any way she could. i feel like i’ve finally found my place in this world and most importantly myself and that’s all thanks to God and Cornerstone.


Cornerstone Alumni

Cornerstone has got to be the most caring treatment facility in the state. The staff here took the time to listen to me and helped me in more ways than I could have imagined. Look no farther, this is the...

Cornerstone has got to be the most caring treatment facility in the state. The staff here took the time to listen to me and helped me in more ways than I could have imagined. Look no farther, this is the place you regardless of if you believe you can be successful or not, they will help every step of the way.


Cornerstone Alumni

Cornerstone was absolutely amazing! I owe my life to their program of recovery and phenomenal staff. Without them, I would be nowhere near where I am today living a happy, healthy, sober life. I cannot recommend Cornerstone enough to anyone...

Cornerstone was absolutely amazing! I owe my life to their program of recovery and phenomenal staff. Without them, I would be nowhere near where I am today living a happy, healthy, sober life. I cannot recommend Cornerstone enough to anyone looking to try and recover from alcoholism and addiction!


Cornerstone Alumni

I'm a Professional Social Worker in the valley. I own a Facility and have referred clients to Cornerstone who thrived. They are lovely. They create events in the valley to help other professionals win. Cornerstone has my respect and gratitude.

I'm a Professional Social Worker in the valley. I own a Facility and have referred clients to Cornerstone who thrived. They are lovely. They create events in the valley to help other professionals win. Cornerstone has my respect and gratitude.


Arizona Social Worker

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FAQs About our Arizona Drug Rehab Program

Get answers to the most commonly asked questions about Cornerstone drug and alcohol treatment.

What types of treatment programs are available at your Arizona drug rehab center?

Our rehab center in Arizona offers various treatment programs designed to meet individual needs and various stages of recovery:

  • Residential Treatment: Provides immersive, around-the-clock care in a structured environment, ideal for those needing intensive support.
  • Outpatient Services: Offers flexibility for individuals who can manage recovery with their daily activities.
  • Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP): A more rigorous outpatient service that allows for living at home while attending frequent treatment sessions.
  • Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP): These programs bridge inpatient and outpatient care, providing substantial support during the day.
  • Virtual Outpatient Programs: These programs enable participation in therapy sessions via digital platforms, perfect for those with logistical constraints.
  • Supportive Housing: Offers sober living options to help ease the transition from intensive care to independent living.

What's the average time clients spend in your alcohol and drug treatment?

The duration of treatment varies among individuals as it is personalized according to their needs.

This is on average:

  • Residential (Inpatient): 30-45 days (6-8 weeks)
  • Partial Hospitalization (PHP): 45-60 days (6-8 weeks)
  • Intensive Outpatient (IOP): 30-60 days (4-8 weeks)
  • Outpatient Program: 30-60 days (4-8 weeks)

What are the options for using health insurance to cover treatment costs at your facility?

We understand that it is essential to make treatment accessible.

At our facility, we know that it is important to accommodate everyone, which is why we accept a wide range of insurance plans.

However, it is worth noting that the coverage may vary depending on your specific insurance plan and benefits.

We offer a free and confidential insurance verification service to ensure that you make the most of your insurance coverage.

By filling out our insurance verification form, we can help you understand what your insurance plan covers and how it can be applied to the treatment services at our facility.

Our process is designed to clarify your benefits and simplify your access to necessary care without surprises.

So, feel free to take advantage of our insurance verification service to fully enjoy the benefits of your insurance plan!

Do you allow phones in drug and alcohol treatment?

YES – At Cornerstone, we understand the importance of staying connected with loved ones during treatment and allow the use of phones after an initial blackout period.

However, phone use must refrain from interfering with therapy sessions, group activities, or other scheduled programming important for the patient’s recovery.

We encourage patients to prioritize their recovery and actively participate in all aspects of the treatment program.

Phones are only permitted during designated free time, which patients can use for reflection, building relationships with peers, and self-care.

Our team will guide appropriate phone use to ensure a balanced and effective treatment experience.

How does your Arizona drug rehab address co-occurring mental health disorders?

Our Arizona drug rehab is fully equipped to handle cases of dual diagnosis or co-occurring mental health disorders.

We understand the complex relationship between addiction and mental health issues and, therefore, provide integrated treatment plans that address both substance abuse and mental health conditions at the same time.

Our approach includes a combination of psychiatric care, medication management, and specialized therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and dialectical-behavioral therapy.

This ensures a comprehensive treatment strategy that tackles all individual health aspects.

Our experienced team of professionals is well-trained to offer the necessary support and care to manage these co-occurring conditions effectively.

We help individuals achieve a balanced and sustained recovery.

Still have questions about treatment?

Our admissions specialists are here to explain the process, answer any questions you may have, and ensure you’re getting the help you need to live a healthy life free from addiction.

Get Started

Call and speak with one of our caring team members about help for you or a loved one.