August 23, 2023

How Long Does it Take to Get Addicted to Alcohol?

Frame 1077241737Medically Reviewed by Dr. Fayz Yar Khan, MD FACP

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Contributors & Editors

Susana Spiegel

Recovery Writer and Advocate

Last Update on July 12, 2024

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Understanding the complexity of alcohol addiction is essential for those seeking to navigate it.

From casual drinking to the grip of chronic alcoholism, this journey involves multiple stages, including increased consumption and tolerance, leading to full-blown addiction.

Along the way, we’ll explore the physical and mental effects, legal consequences, and societal impact of alcohol abuse.

Early detection, prevention strategies, and available treatments are crucial; timely intervention can make all the difference.

Join us as we chart the progression, impact, and potential pathways to recovery from alcohol addiction.


Understanding Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a chronic and progressive illness that causes an uncontrollable urge to consume alcohol despite its negative consequences on a person’s health, personal life, and social responsibilities.

This disorder is influenced by genetic, environmental, and psychological factors and affects a person’s physical and emotional aspects.

Physically, the body becomes dependent on alcohol, increasing tolerance and withdrawal symptoms when not drinking.

Emotionally, alcohol can become the primary way of coping, often replacing other activities and interests.

Alcohol addiction not only has immediate intoxicating effects but also leads to various health complications and strained relationships and can even result in legal and professional difficulties.

It’s important to note that this condition doesn’t just impact the individual but also affects their families and communities.



Alcohol significantly impacts the brain’s reward system, a complex network of neurons responsible for pleasure and reinforcing actions.

When consumed, alcohol causes an increase in the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure, reward, and motivation.

This results in a surge of dopamine in areas like the nucleus accumbens, a crucial part of the reward circuit, leading to feelings of euphoria and relaxation that many moderate drinkers associate with alcohol.

However, excessive and repeated alcohol intake can make the brain accustomed to these elevated dopamine levels, requiring more alcohol to achieve the same pleasurable effect, which leads to increased consumption.

Additionally, when the brain adapts, the absence of alcohol can decrease dopamine release, causing discomfort or distress and driving individuals to drink again to alleviate these negative feelings, potentially leading to addiction.



Category Description
Alcohol Use Alcohol use refers to the consumption of alcoholic beverages in a manner that doesn’t necessarily lead to addiction or any negative consequences. It includes social drinking, occasional drinking, and even regular drinking that doesn’t interfere with one’s daily life responsibilities and doesn’t cause harm. Many individuals consume alcohol responsibly and in moderation.
Alcohol Abuse Alcohol abuse, sometimes called problem drinking, involves a pattern of drinking that harms one’s health, interpersonal relationships, or ability to work. Signs of alcohol abuse might include neglecting responsibilities, risky behaviors (like drinking and driving), legal problems, and drinking to relax or de-stress. While it may not yet be a full-blown addiction, it represents a concerning level of misuse.
Alcohol Addiction Alcohol addiction, often termed alcoholism, is characterized by a physical and psychological dependence on alcohol. Individuals with an addiction might prioritize drinking over other responsibilities, have a high tolerance, experience withdrawal symptoms without alcohol, and often drink more or longer than intended. There’s a persistent desire or unsuccessful attempts to reduce or control alcohol use.


Factors Influencing Addiction Development


The development of addiction is a complex interplay of various factors, intricately weaving together the biological, psychological, and socio-environmental dimensions of an individual’s life.

Biological factors play a crucial role; genetic predisposition can increase addiction susceptibility.

A family history of addiction can heighten this risk.

Additionally, metabolic differences influence how people process alcohol, making some more prone to its adverse effects.

On the psychological front, individuals with mental health disorders may turn to substances like alcohol as a form of self-medication, inadvertently paving the way to addiction.

Experiences of trauma and the coping mechanisms adopted in response can also steer individuals toward substance reliance.1

Finally, social and environmental factors significantly shape one’s relationship with alcohol.

The pressure from peers or being in environments where heavy drinking is normalized can act as catalysts for addiction.

Moreover, traumatic environments, which may promote alcohol consumption as an escape, can further escalate the risk.

Thus, addiction’s multifaceted roots make its prevention and treatment holistic.


The Timeline of Addiction Development


Starting with initial use, going from occasional alcohol consumption to addiction follows a gradual pattern.

Across different cultures and societies, social drinking is often a regular and joyful activity, whether introduced during social events, coming-of-age ceremonies, or as a means of relaxation.

For many people, their first introduction to alcohol does not result in any adverse effects or dependencies.

However, the body and brain’s reaction to alcohol can differ significantly for first-time drinkers.

While some people might feel a sense of relaxation or euphoria, others may experience discomfort, dislike, or even adverse physical reactions.

These initial experiences, influenced by biological and environmental factors, can set the stage for a person’s future relationship with alcohol.

Some people may continue to drink occasionally without any problems, while others might take their first step toward increased tolerance and, potentially, dependence.



As people continue to drink alcohol, they may experience a phenomenon called increased consumption and tolerance.

Tolerance is when the body adapts to regular alcohol intake, and higher amounts are needed to achieve the same effects once attained with lesser quantities.

This means that the brain and body become more resilient to alcohol’s effects, requiring more alcohol to reach previous levels of intoxication or relaxation.

Tolerance doesn’t happen overnight, and it can develop over a varying timeline depending on genetic factors, frequency of drinking, and overall quantity consumed.

Some may notice a tolerance after weeks or months of consistent heavy drinking, while others may take longer.

Regardless of the timeline, increased tolerance is a significant warning sign, as it can lead to dependence and addiction.



The progression from regular alcohol consumption to dependence and addiction is a critical and concerning phase in one’s relationship with alcohol.

Dependence occurs when the body relies on alcohol to function or feel normal, leading to withdrawal symptoms when alcohol is not consumed.

This transition is not immediate and can occur gradually, often unnoticed by the drinker.

Some individuals may develop signs of dependence after months of heavy drinking, while others may take years, as individual differences play a role.

Alcohol dependence manifests in various ways. Physically, individuals may experience tremors, fatigue, nausea, or insomnia when not drinking.

Psychologically, there may be a persistent urge to drink, loss of control over drinking amounts, or neglect of responsibilities and hobbies.

These symptoms and increased tolerance signal a deepening addiction and the need for intervention and support.


Timeline of Addiction Development

Stage Description
Initial Use Social contexts often introduce casual drinking. It’s where individuals first experience the effects of alcohol, ranging from relaxation and pleasure to aversion. The body is not yet accustomed to alcohol, making the effects more pronounced for first-time or infrequent drinkers.
Increased Consumption As alcohol is consumed more frequently, the body adjusts, requiring more alcohol to achieve the same effects. This adaptation is known as tolerance. Over time, individuals might drink larger quantities or more often to experience the same sensations they did when they first started drinking.
Dependence & Addiction The transition from regular use to dependence is characterized by the body and mind’s reliance on alcohol. Physically, individuals might experience withdrawal symptoms without alcohol. Psychologically, there might be a persistent desire to drink. Over time, this dependence can morph into addiction, wherein drinking becomes central to one’s life, often at the cost of other activities and responsibilities.


Chronic Alcoholism

Alcohol use disorder (AUD), also known as chronic alcoholism, is a prolonged and severe pattern of excessive drinking that results in physical and emotional dependence on alcohol.

People with this condition continue to drink despite its negative impact on their health, relationships, and daily functioning.

Chronic alcoholism can look like waking up and needing a drink, drinking throughout the day to avoid withdrawal symptoms, hiding bottles, neglecting personal and professional responsibilities, developing a tolerance to alcohol, and struggling to reduce or quit drinking.

Over time, chronic alcoholism can cause serious health problems, damage relationships, lead to job loss, and even result in legal issues.

It’s a challenging addiction that can profoundly impact a person’s life.



Understanding Binge Drinking

Consuming much alcohol quickly, leading to intoxication, is known as binge drinking.

Men usually consume five or more drinks, while women consume four or more drinks in about two hours.2

Binge drinking is not limited to alcoholics; occasional drinkers can engage in this behavior.

Examples of binge drinking include a college student drinking multiple shots at a party, a person consuming several large glasses of wine after work, or someone chugging beers during a sporting event.

Although some view these incidents as harmless, binge drinking poses severe health risks, such as alcohol poisoning, liver damage, accidents, violence, and risky behaviors.

Furthermore, habitual binge drinking can lead to chronic alcohol dependence.


Health Consequences Related to Alcohol Addiction

Chronic alcohol consumption can devastate an individual’s physical and mental health.

It can lead to severe liver conditions such as fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, fibrosis, and ultimately cirrhosis.

Heavy drinking can also increase the risk of high blood pressure, cardiomyopathy, and stroke, harming the cardiovascular system.

The digestive system can also be negatively affected, potentially causing gastritis, pancreatitis, and an increased risk of mouth, esophagus, throat, liver, and breast cancers.

Alcohol can also worsen mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, causing memory lapses and mental fog.

Additionally, it can weaken the immune system, making the body more vulnerable to infections.

Malnutrition can also occur due to poor absorption of essential nutrients.3

In severe cases, excessive alcohol intake can result in life-threatening conditions like alcohol poisoning.

It is crucial to raise awareness, intervene, and support those struggling with alcohol addiction to prevent these harmful health consequences.


Legal Consequences Related to Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholism or alcohol abuse can have consequences beyond just health and personal relationships.

It can also affect the legal system.

Actions taken while under the influence, such as drunk driving, can lead to DUI charges.

These charges can result in fines, license suspensions, mandatory rehabilitation programs, and incarceration.

Alcohol-induced impairments can also contribute to violent behaviors, resulting in assault or domestic violence charges.4

Public intoxication, disturbing the peace, or engaging in risky behaviors while drunk can lead to arrests or legal citations.

For those in certain professions, like healthcare or transportation, alcohol abuse can result in job loss or the revocation of professional licenses.

In custody battles or divorce proceedings, documented alcohol abuse can influence child custody or spousal support judgments.

Essentially, the legal consequences of alcoholism can be extensive and can further compound the challenges faced by those struggling with addiction.


Media and Cultural Representation

Alcohol is frequently featured in contemporary media, with characters often relaxing with wine or toasting champagne.

However, it’s vital to think about the impact of these portrayals.

The media carries excellent influence and often romanticizes heavy drinking, presenting it as a critical element of socializing, achieving success, or managing stress.

These depictions can make damaging behaviors seem normal and appealing, particularly to younger viewers.

Media outlets must acknowledge their responsibility in showing the genuine outcomes of excessive drinking.


The Challenges of Breaking the Cycle of Addiction

Overcoming addiction is an arduous journey that encompasses physical, psychological, and social challenges.

Physically, withdrawal symptoms can range from mild discomforts like nausea and tremors to severe manifestations such as seizures or delirium tremens, making quitting difficult.

Mentally, the chronic nature of addiction and the rewired reward system in the brain can constantly tempt the individual back to the substance, making resistance exhausting.

Even minor reminders or stressors can trigger cravings, and the emotional weight of confronting past traumas or coping mechanisms without the substance can be overwhelming.

Socially, people trying to quit may face stigmatization, lack of understanding from peers, or even pressure to return to their old habits.

Additionally, environments or routines that used to revolve around substance use can trigger relapses.

Coupled with these challenges is the emotional struggle against guilt, shame, and fear of failure.

These multifaceted challenges highlight the importance of a comprehensive, supportive approach to addiction recovery.


Is There a Specific Timeframe for Addiction?

Many people wonder about the addiction timeline, but it’s a complex issue with many factors.

Genetics, environment, personal experiences, and mental health can all contribute to the onset of addiction, which can happen quickly for some and take years for others.

The amount and frequency of substance use and individual resilience and coping mechanisms further complicate the issue.

It’s important to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to addiction timelines.

Each person’s journey with substances is unique, and personalized attention and care are necessary when addressing and treating potential addictions.


Available Treatments and the Importance of Seeking Help Early

Recognizing and intervening in alcohol addiction is essential for both prevention and treatment.

Early signs of addiction can include consistently drinking more than intended, having persistent thoughts about drinking, neglecting personal or professional obligations, developing a higher tolerance, or experiencing withdrawal symptoms without alcohol.

Emotional indicators, such as guilt or shame about drinking or the urge to drink to cope with stress, can also be warning signs.

If someone suspects they may have an addiction, seeking medical advice and not abruptly stopping drinking is essential, as this can lead to severe withdrawal complications.

Inpatient and outpatient treatment centers can help address underlying psychological triggers, while support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous can provide understanding and guidance.

Cognitive-behavioral, motivational enhancement and family therapy can help individuals recognize triggers and develop coping strategies.

It’s essential to seek early intervention to prevent the escalation of problematic drinking behaviors, reduce health risks, and improve recovery outcomes.

Addressing the issue promptly can help individuals reclaim control of their lives, repair relationships, and restore physical and mental well-being.


Local Initiatives and Community Support

It is inspiring to witness local communities taking action to combat alcohol misuse.

Grassroots organizations, often founded by individuals with personal experiences and narratives, have become a source of support for many.

They offer resources, counseling, and safe havens for those struggling with addiction.

Your contribution to the recovery journey is crucial in bridging the gap.

These community groups rely on local support through volunteering and funding.

Your efforts can significantly impact you, whether you lend a listening ear, organize awareness campaigns, or contribute financially.

Participating in these initiatives provides a lifeline for those in need and strengthens community bonds.

It serves as a reminder that we are always stronger together in the face of adversity.

Jane’s Story: From Alcoholism to Recovery

This story depicts how a mother can succumb to the clutches of alcoholism but also demonstrates the possibility of recovery and the ability to continue living life after addiction.


Subtle Beginnings

Meet Jane. She has a great life, job, beautiful children, and husband, and even attends weekend social events.

A great role model to those around her never thought she’d find herself trapped by the clutches of alcohol.

For her, the evenings and weekends were about unwinding, a glass of wine in hand after juggling her demanding job and familial roles.

This routine seemed harmless, almost sophisticated.


Contrasting Realities

Externally, Jane was the picture of success and resilience: a high-flying career woman, a doting mother, and a devoted wife.

But internally, the bottle became her silent confidante.

Wine ceased being a mere evening delight; it morphed into her silent escape, her solace from life’s pressures.


Red Flags Unseen

Her dynamic demeanor slowly dimmed over time.

Mornings became more burdensome, with excuses of “stomach bugs” masking hangovers.

Calling out of work became a bad habit.

The vibrant glint in her eyes faded, replaced by subtle, persistent fatigue.

Social invitations were conveniently forgotten or declined.

At first, it wasn’t noticeable, but as her indulgence grew, concerned friends began to murmur.

She noticed her increased enthusiasm for the bars and bottles at gatherings.

Jane would always brush it off, declaring, “It’s been a long week” and “I’m just letting my hair down! What’s the big deal anyway?”


Breaking point

Jane evolved into a different person when she consumed alcohol.

At first, she became talkative; she may have been a bit interruptive during conversations, but it was all good fun.

But she became more crude during small talks and group discussions after a while.

When approached by friends about slowing down, It was deemed offensive in her eyes.

Yet, dismissive of her behavior, you can tell when brought up it deferentially touched a nerve.

As more events passed, she began waking up without recollection of nights.

As well as having to apologize for her actions from the night before.

As fewer social invitations from friends were sent, Jane’s relationships with everyone began to dwindle slowly.


The Night Everything Changed

One evening, the weight of her unnoticed addiction came crashing down.

Jane drank more than usual, the evening’s events blurring into obscurity.

The following day, she was awoken by the loud clangs of a jail cell.

She decided to drink and drive like she had many nights, but this time, she was paying the consequences for her dangerous and illegal activities, even though she didn’t remember it.


The Turning Point

Days later, Jane faced an unexpected gathering: her family and friends, their faces etched with worry.

They spoke in hushed, pained tones about their concerns.

The tear-filled plea from her daughter truly jolted her: “I miss the real you, Mom.”

That moment was Jane’s wake-up call.


Withdrawal and Rebirth

Acknowledging the issue was her first step.

As Jane distanced herself from alcohol, she faced the daunting challenge of withdrawal.

Sleepless nights, tremors, and bouts of anxiety became her daily battles.

Yet, with the steadfast support of her family and professional guidance, she weathered the storm.


A New Dawn

The path to sobriety wasn’t fast and straightforward; it was fraught with challenges.

But, armed with determination and surrounded by love, Jane slowly re-embraced life’s joys minus the haze of alcohol.

She rediscovered her genuine self, proving that while the descent into addiction can be swift and unnoticed, the climb back is always possible with strength and support.


Recovery From Alcoholism is Possible 

While the challenges of alcoholism are undeniable, so too is the potential for recovery and renewal.

With understanding as our guide and empathy as our compass, we can drive meaningful action that makes a tangible difference.

In understanding alcoholism, it’s clear that it’s more than just an individual’s struggle; it reverberates through their relationships, family, and daily obligations.

Alcoholism isn’t a sign of weakness or a mere choice but a complex interplay of genetic, psychological, and social factors.

While the timeframe to develop an addiction varies from person to person, the impact remains profound.

But here’s the silver lining: recovery is attainable.

With an array of rehab options, detox solutions, and the unwavering support of loved ones and professionals, those battling alcoholism can find their way back to sobriety and reclaim their lives.

Remember, acknowledging the problem is the first step; from there, a world of support awaits.

If you or someone you care about is facing addiction or mental health challenges, we encourage you to contact us at Cornerstone Healing Center in Scottsdale, AZ.

Our treatment facility is grounded in evidence-based practices and specializes in dual diagnosis to promote long-term recovery by addressing underlying issues.

You don’t have to do it alone. Let us help you today!



[1] Substance use, childhood traumatic experience, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in an urban civilian population

[2] Understanding Binge Drinking

[3] The Influence of Alcohol Consumption on Intestinal Nutrient Absorption: A Comprehensive Review

[4] Alcohol, Aggression, and Violence: From Public Health to Neuroscience

Published: 8/23/2023

Co-Contributor: Susana Spiegel

Editor: Julie Miller

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Author & Reviewers

susana spiegel recovery writer and SEO expert

Susana is a recovery writer and advocate with over 8 years in addiction recovery. She is passionate about sharing accurate and helpful information about mental health, addiction, and recovery. She holds a Bachelor’s in Christian Studies from Grand Canyon University and has over 7 years of working in the addiction field. 

lionel estrada lisac clinical director

Lionel is the Clinical Director of Cornerstone’s Scottsdale treatment facilities. He has had over 4 years at Cornerstone. He is personally in recovery and passionate about helping others overcome substance abuse and mental health challenges; he is trained as an EMDR, adopting a trauma-informed approach to treat the underlying issues.

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