
Arizona Methamphetamine Treatment Center

We are an Arizona rehab with facilities in Scottsdale and Phoenix that is ready to help you overcome addiction to meth


Arizona Meth Addiction Treatment

Our residential treatment center for methamphetamine in Arizona offers comprehensive programs for individuals seeking to overcome addiction.

We utilize evidence-based therapies, personalized care plans, and a community-focused approach to provide each person with the highest level of support and guidance.

Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to fostering an atmosphere of healing and growth, making our Arizona facility a trusted haven for those on their recovery journey!

View our Arizona Methamphetamine treatment Centers

Understanding Meth addiction

Meth addiction, or Stimulant Use Disorder (SUD) involving methamphetamine, is characterized by compulsive meth use despite adverse consequences. The DSM-5 defines it by criteria such as taking larger amounts than intended, cravings, continued use despite negative consequences, tolerance, and withdrawal.1

About our Arizona Rehab Center

At the core of our philosophy lies a deep understanding of the profound impact of human connection, personal growth, and embracing change when it comes to overcoming addiction. This foundational belief system shapes our unique and practical approach to treatment, ensuring that those seeking help receive the comprehensive care they need. Drawing from proven principles in battling substance use disorders, our team of professionals is dedicated to providing reliable and compassionate support throughout the recovery process. At Cornerstone, we offer a holistic approach to rehabilitation, recognizing that true healing extends beyond physical sobriety. We focus on cultivating resilience, fostering accountability, and empowering individuals to choose the challenging yet rewarding path towards long-lasting recovery. Furthermore, we emphasize the importance of giving back, understanding that recovery is not only about personal growth but also about positively contributing to the community and the lives of others. Our ultimate goal is to guide individuals through their unique journey to sobriety, equipping them with the essential tools and unwavering support necessary for a sustainable recovery. Let us be your dedicated allies in the fight against methamphetamine addiction, offering you a path to renewed hope, improved well-being, and a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Patrick & Nicole - Family Testimonial

Listen to the testimonial of Patrick and Nicole, Parents of a Cornerstone Alumnus who spent time at one of our Arizona recovery centers.

Patrick and Nicole have witnessed first-hand the transformative impact of Cornerstone Healing Center. Their son, Cole, was grappling with the debilitating grip of alcoholism, his life seemingly at the mercy of this relentless disorder. However, from the moment Cole stepped into our Scottsdale alcohol rehab center, his life began to change in profound and unimaginable ways.

Our Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment Programs

Carelon Inpatient Mental Health
Residential programs for methamphetamine substance use disorders provide individuals with immersive, round-the-clock therapy that integrates psychotherapy, medication, and holistic approaches. These programs offer a structured environment that aims to address underlying issues and equip individuals with essential coping skills, fostering long-term recovery. By providing a comprehensive and intensive treatment setting, residential programs play a vital role in supporting individuals on their journey towards overcoming methamphetamine addiction.
intensive outpatient program

Outpatient programs for methamphetamine substance use disorders offer individuals flexible, part-time therapy options. These programs provide psychotherapy, medication management, and support specifically tailored to address the unique challenges of methamphetamine addiction. By offering flexibility in scheduling, outpatient programs enable individuals to receive treatment while still maintaining their daily routines and responsibilities. This approach recognizes the importance of supporting individuals in managing their recovery process while balancing their outside life commitments. Outpatient programs play a crucial role in providing ongoing care, helping individuals develop coping strategies, and facilitating their journey towards long-term recovery from methamphetamine addiction.

Our methamphetamine program is designed to provide comprehensive and specialized care for individuals struggling with methamphetamine addiction. With a holistic approach, our program combines evidence-based psychotherapy, and supportive services to address the unique challenges associated with methamphetamine use disorders. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to creating a structured and nurturing environment that fosters healing and long-term recovery. We understand the complexities of addiction and work closely with each individual to develop personalized treatment plans that address their specific needs. Through our program, individuals receive the necessary tools, guidance, and support to overcome addiction, regain control of their lives, and build a brighter future free from the grip of methamphetamine.

Why Choose Our Arizona Recovery Centers?

Benefits for
Arizona Residents

Explore the benefits of our Arizona rehab that treats methamphetamine addiction, which is designed to facilitate transformative healing and sobriety. 

Cornerstone's Evidence-Based Approach

Start your journey to recovery with Cornerstone’s rehabilitation programs. Our programs are designed to focus on all aspects of your health and well-being, building a strong foundation for lasting sobriety and overall wellness.

One-on-One Therapy

Trauma Informed Care

Personalized Treatment

Our Arizona Facilities

At Cornerstone, our Arizona facilities offer a warm and supportive haven for individuals seeking recovery from methamphetamine addiction. Located in Scottsdale and Phoenix, our dedicated recovery centers provide comfortable housing options that are specifically designed to cultivate a sense of community and belonging. Our primary objective is to establish a nurturing environment where individuals can wholeheartedly focus on their unique journey to recovery. Here, they receive unwavering support and encouragement from both peers and professionals. We recognize the significance of a robust support system in sustaining long-term sobriety, and our Arizona locations are committed to offering the essential resources and fostering the sense of camaraderie needed by those who come to us.

Meet Our Clinical Team

Eboni Fields, MS LPC

Clinical Director of Scottsdale Program

Eboni Fields, MS LPC, is a seasoned Clinical Director who brings over a decade of experience in behavioral health and substance abuse. She is a licensed professional counselor with a Masters in Mental Health Counseling from Grand Canyon University. 

Nate Bush, LCSW

Clinical Director of Phoenix Program

Nate began his recovery journey in 2010 and earned a Master’s in Social Work from ASU. He’s been in the Behavioral Health field since 2013. Specializing in CBT, DBT, and grief, Nate is now the Clinical Director of our Phoenix program, underlined by his passion for helping others who struggled with substance abuse issues as he did. 

FAQs About Meth Addiction and treatment

Get answers to the most commonly asked questions about methaphetamine addiction.

What are the signs of meth addiction?

There are several signs of meth addiction that can show if a person is on the drug or not. These signs include both physical signs and other signs, which include mood swings and other indicators.

Some of the most common indicators of meth addiction include the following:

  • Thinning of the body and weight loss
  • Facial acne
  • Rotten teeth, also known as meth mouth
  • Deteriorating skin quality
  • Weakness
  • Neverending itching
  • Strokes
  • And many more, depending on the person 

The above-mentioned signs are those that can be detected through the eye; however, there are many signs that are not visible to the eye but are felt by the user.

These signs of Meth Use include:

  • Increased sex drive
  • High body temperature
  • Liver damage
  • Increased vulnerability to infections
  • Deteriorating Immunity
  • Hallucinations
  • Paranoia
  • Mood swings
  • Insomnia
  • A feeling of perpetual confusion
  • Jerkiness
  • And many more

These are only a few signs of meth abuse; however, the people who use meth for longer periods are even at the risk of sudden death.

What are the side effects of meth addiction?

Professionals can only diagnose mental health disorders. An in-depth understanding of co-occurring diseases’ signs and symptoms might be complex for friends and family. However, specific symptoms of substance use disorder are easily noticeable and should be considered a warning sign. These include;

  • They are isolating themselves from friends and family.
  • Abrupt changes in their behavior, such as being more irritated, less patient, and angrier.
  • They are facing difficulties in fulfilling everyday tasks.
  • They indulge in risky behavior such as driving under the influence, changing social groups, or changing partners.
  • They no longer focus on their health or hygiene.
  • They lose control over their use of substances.
  • They have a high tolerance for substance usage.
  • They are showing signs of withdrawal.

These warning signs can be an excellent indicator for friends and family to get their loved ones to help with co-occurring disorders.

The most commonly occurring disorders along with substance use are depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and personality disorders.

Some general signs of co-occurring disorders to look out for include;

  • An increase or decrease in their eating and sleeping routines.
  • They lack interest in hobbies that they once adored.
  • They have increased emotional reactivity.
  • They show fear without reason.
  • They are having difficulty concentrating or thinking.
  • They are more irritable and tend to get angry quickly.
  • They are no longer giving importance to cleanliness or health.
  • They are complaining about body pains without genuine cause.
  • They seem to have lost touch with reality and are acting paranoid. They might also be experiencing hallucinations or delusions, which they explain to you as life events.

If you ever notice your loved ones showing signs of suicidal ideation, seeming distant and lost in thought, or confused about daily matters, consider reaching out to Cornerstone Healing Center to ensure that their disorders are diagnosed and treated effectively.

What to expect from meth withdrawal symptoms?

Methamphetamine, being one of the most potent synthetic drugs, is also linked to severe withdrawal symptoms. People who are looking to quit meth experience symptoms divided into two phases.

The first phase lasts for the first 24 hours of meth withdrawal. This phase is the most intense and can cause a lot of problems. Some of the symptoms that a person might experience during the first phase include severe meth cravings, fatigue, sleeplessness, anxiety, depression, and an increased appetite, among several other symptoms.

The second phase of meth withdrawal is less intense than the first and can last for almost a month. Increased appetite, anxiety, depression, and meth cravings are some of the symptoms associated with the second phase of meth withdrawal. It’s important to always remember that these are temporary.

The duration and severity of these withdrawal symptoms vary depending on the time of use. People who have used the drug for a long time might experience more severe withdrawal symptoms for longer periods.


  1. American Psychiatric Association,
  2. American Journal of Psychiatry,
  3. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs,
  4. Journal of Addictive Diseases,
  5. Harvard Review of Psychiatry,


lionel estrada LISAC headshot clinical director scottsdale

Lionel Estrada, LISAC


Lionel, a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor (LISAC) with over 4 years at Cornerstone, specializes in addiction and mental health. Trained in EMDR therapy, he employs a trauma-informed, empathetic approach to address underlying causes of these issues.

Still have questions about treatment?

Our admissions specialists are here to explain the process, answer any questions you may have, and ensure you’re getting the help you need to live a healthy life free from addiction.


What ARIZONA clients and treatment professionals say about Cornerstone

This facility is different from any other rehab that I have been to. I have had many failed attempts at getting and staying sober since I was 16. Mostly due to a majority of the treatment centers that I had...

This facility is different from any other rehab that I have been to. I have had many failed attempts at getting and staying sober since I was 16. Mostly due to a majority of the treatment centers that I had went to not having much help with aftercare. They would get you clean for however long the stay was and then release you with no tools or foundation to build on. Cornerstone immersed me in the 12 step recovery program. The PHP groups were extremely therapeutic for me. They took me to Recovery meetings every day of the week. They have extremely nice houses to go back to while you’re not at the clinic. Most importantly, they set me up with an aftercare plan that put me on a path to success. Before I left they made sure that I was set up with a sober living, a job, and also made sure that I had made good progress in my 12 steps. After I got out I was sent to IOP, and every week they have a navigator who makes sure that you are doing well and helps you with any obstacles you may be facing. All of the staff truly cares about every individual who comes through this place. Unlike a lot of treatment centers, cornerstone is not in it for the money. Thanks to them I have been able to maintain long term sobriety. I am the happiest I have been in my entire life. I will forever have gratitude for cornerstone and to all of the staff that helped me, and continues to help on my recovery journey.


Cornerstone Alumni

I watched my loved one struggle with an addiction to alcohol for over fifteen years. In 2022 he was at the worse I had ever seen. I suggested a multitude of things to quit, however, I knew that he needed...

I watched my loved one struggle with an addiction to alcohol for over fifteen years. In 2022 he was at the worse I had ever seen. I suggested a multitude of things to quit, however, I knew that he needed help and was convinced that this was not going to end well. I had seen the program of recovery outlined at Cornerstone and convinced my loved one to make the 1,800-mile drive across the country. It saved his life. I hardly recognize this man today. From hustling me to pay for "just one more night" at a hotel, to having his own apartment in a year is a miracle. Cornerstone provided him a safe place and provided every tool possible including inpatient treatment, A.A., therapy and counseling, IOP and helped with his transition into the mainstream of life. I’ll be forever grateful.


Alumni Family

this place saved my life 100%. the whole staff genuinely cared about me and were only trying to help me grow. i have confidence again and goals to achieve. coming from someone who was very suicidal and a bad alcoholic...

this place saved my life 100%. the whole staff genuinely cared about me and were only trying to help me grow. i have confidence again and goals to achieve. coming from someone who was very suicidal and a bad alcoholic before treatment, i’ve completely done a 180°. i loved my house managers lacey and jazz who were both extremely important to my recovery. my primary therapist Lori was such a sweetheart and i could tell she genuinely cared about my life and wanted to help in any way she could. i feel like i’ve finally found my place in this world and most importantly myself and that’s all thanks to God and Cornerstone.


Cornerstone Alumni

Cornerstone has got to be the most caring treatment facility in the state. The staff here took the time to listen to me and helped me in more ways than I could have imagined. Look no farther, this is the...

Cornerstone has got to be the most caring treatment facility in the state. The staff here took the time to listen to me and helped me in more ways than I could have imagined. Look no farther, this is the place you regardless of if you believe you can be successful or not, they will help every step of the way.


Cornerstone Alumni

Cornerstone was absolutely amazing! I owe my life to their program of recovery and phenomenal staff. Without them, I would be nowhere near where I am today living a happy, healthy, sober life. I cannot recommend Cornerstone enough to anyone...

Cornerstone was absolutely amazing! I owe my life to their program of recovery and phenomenal staff. Without them, I would be nowhere near where I am today living a happy, healthy, sober life. I cannot recommend Cornerstone enough to anyone looking to try and recover from alcoholism and addiction!


Cornerstone Alumni

I'm a Professional Social Worker in the valley. I own a Facility and have referred clients to Cornerstone who thrived. They are lovely. They create events in the valley to help other professionals win. Cornerstone has my respect and gratitude.

I'm a Professional Social Worker in the valley. I own a Facility and have referred clients to Cornerstone who thrived. They are lovely. They create events in the valley to help other professionals win. Cornerstone has my respect and gratitude.


Arizona Social Worker

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