The Mole People & Las Vegas Underground Evacuation for Hurricane Hillary 2023

the mole people underground evacuations hurricane hillary

An underground community in Las Vegas, estimated at 75,000 people, including individuals battling mental health issues, teenagers, veterans, and addicts, face a life-threatening situation as Hurricane Hilary strengthens to a Category 4 storm. Las Vegas is preparing for a significant weather event this weekend that could bring two years’ worth of rain in just days. […]

Weekend Warrior: The Slippery Slope of Recreational Drug Use

As the work week ends and Friday night rolls around, the temptation to escape reality can be overwhelming. However, it’s important to remember that recreational drug use, while seemingly harmless in small doses, can be dangerous. Unfortunately, society has normalized and made it more prevalent. This article takes an honest look at commonly used substances […]

The Crucial Role of Therapy in Substance Abuse Treatment

individual therapy for addiction

Substance abuse is a challenging journey, often filled with unbelievable obstacles. But there’s a guiding light on this path—therapy. Therapy plays a significant role in the treatment process, acting as a compass and guiding individuals through their unique recovery journey. It helps unravel the complex emotions tied to addiction and provides the tools to manage […]

Anger Management in Recovery: An Essential Guide

anger in recovery

Wondering about anger management in recovery? If you’ve ever walked the path of recovery from substance abuse, you’re familiar with its rigorous, challenging nature. An often overlooked, yet critical element of this journey, is learning to regulate your emotions, especially anger. Even though anger is a normal human reaction, unchecked anger can wreak havoc on […]

The Holistic Approach to Addiction Recovery

holistic drug and alcohol treatment

In today’s fast-paced world, the challenges of drug and alcohol addiction remain a pervasive issue. With millions worldwide affected by these harmful dependencies, finding effective, compassionate, and comprehensive treatment strategies has never been more critical. Holistic healing offers such an approach. Unlike traditional methods, holistic healing doesn’t focus on symptoms alone. Instead, it views individuals […]

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Therapist/Counselor (Full Time)


Cornerstone Healing Center is seeking a licensed therapist or Counselor to join our team. In this clinical role, you will provide group and individual counseling to our clients. Your expertise in addictions and mental health will be crucial as you make diagnoses, collaborate with medical staff, and complete vital information for utilization review. You will […]

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Therapist/Counselor (Contract)


Cornerstone Healing Center is seeking a licensed therapist or Counselor to work on a contract basis. In this clinical role, you will provide group and individual counseling to our clients. Your expertise in addictions and mental health will be crucial as you make diagnoses, collaborate with medical staff, and complete vital information for utilization review. […]

Childhood Trauma and Addiction

childhood trauma and addiction

Childhood trauma and addiction are closely linked, with early life adversities often paving the way for substance abuse and behavioral addictions in later years.

The Consequences of Avoiding Rehab

The consequences of avoiding rehab

The consequences of avoiding rehab for individuals struggling with addiction can be severe and far-reaching, and some you might not expect.