
Relationship Building

Find joy in recovery at Cornerstone

Relationship building and family systems at Cornerstone Healing Center

For those suffering from the cycle of addiction, the family systems and relationships of all kinds suffer, as well. Marriages, relationships with children and parents, friendships and work relationships all require trust and honesty to thrive. Drug and alcohol addiction can negatively impact the bonds that are most important.

At Cornerstone Healing Center, clients learn essential relationship building techniques. Clients in our outpatient addiction treatment center learn how to:

Repair relationships that have deteriorated due to substance abuse.

Build meaningful relationships with family members and friends.

Maintain close connections with those who serve as a positive influence in long-term recovery, including sponsors, peers and mentors.

Become the dependable and supportive person they desire to be in their relationships.

Cultivating strong relationships with others is essential for a healthy life. According to Psychology Today, there are countless studies confirming the effect between positive relationships and positive health outcomes. The opposite is also true: when our relationships suffer, it takes a toll on our health and can impact recovery and relapse.

In our outpatient rehab programs, clients learn skills like:

  • How to communicate effectively
  • How to identify those who will be a positive influence and make connections with them 
  • How to contribute value to relationships
  • How to author their own healthy future worth living
  • These skills are essential for long-term recovery and for leading an overall healthy life, free from addiction.
we accept most health insurances- substance abuse treatment

Now Accepting AHCCCS, TriCare, and Triwest Insurances

Addictions we treat at Cornerstone

Why strong relationships are important for those in recovery

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), community is one of the key areas for effective long-term addiction treatment. Relationships and social networks that provide support, care, love, friendship and hope are instrumental in recovery. Family members, peers and friends play a crucial role in providing encouragement.

Some benefits of positive relationships for those in recovery include:

  • Reduced stress
  • Improved mood
  • Healthy activities to participate in
  • Reliable support
  • Sense of purpose and fulfillment 

Strong relationships improve self-esteem, confidence and motivation. Unhealthy relationships can lead to anxiety, depression, poor decision-making and relapse. It is vital for those in addiction recovery to learn what positive relationships look like and how to cultivate them.

relationship building

How relationship building works at our Scottsdale Treatment Center

During the cycle of addiction, an addict may harm those they care about the most. Drug and alcohol addicts may be feeling shame, guilt or regret for their actions. Repair is possible with the right tools. Clients at Cornerstone Healing Center undergo one-on-one and group therapy sessions, as well as 12 Step program meetings where they:

  • Identify how substance abuse has affected their relationships.
  • Analyze current relationships and their roles in how they help or hinder substance abuse recovery.
  • Gain skills to repair broken relationships.
  • Let go of toxic relationships.
  • Form new meaningful relationships

Recovery is a lifelong process. Clients will discover how to be honest about their recovery with new personal contacts. They learn what support they need from relationships and how to contribute to relationships themselves. All relationship building life-skills are taught by caring therapists and staff in a supportive, judgement-free environment. Relationship building skills are integrated in all our addiction treatment programs.


Our Treatments and Therapy Sessions

trauma informed therapy


nutritional therapy for addiction treatment


relationship building

Relationship Rebuilding & Healing

EMDR Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Still have questions about treatment?

Our admissions specialists are here to explain the process, answer any questions you may have, and ensure you’re getting the help you need to live a healthy life free from addiction.

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Call and speak with one of our caring team members about help for you or a loved one.